Ghana improves in Absa Financial Markets Ranking

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With a score of 62 compared to 59 in 2020, Ghana has jumped to 4th among the 23 countries tracked by the Absa Africa Financial Markets Index for 2021. This is an improvement from its ranking of 6th in 2020. Joining Ghana in the top 5 are South Africa, Mauritius, Nigeria and Uganda in that order.

The Absa Africa Financial Markets Index assesses the financial markets of 23 countries, and highlights economies with the most conducive environment for effective markets. The 2021 edition is the fifth edition of this index which is becoming one of the leading sources for people seeking to invest in African countries.

The index scores countries based on market depth; access to foreign exchange; market transparency, tax and regulatory environment; capacity of local investors; macroeconomic opportunity; and enforceability of standard master agreements. Ghana performed best in the enforceability of standard master agreements category, where it scored a perfect 100.

Ghana’s capital market has experienced impressive growth this year, with the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) returning over 45% from of the start of the year. The improved ranking adds to the appeal of Ghana as a preferred investment destination on the continent.

Download the full report here.

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