Hunting Hurdles [Ep.14]: Meet Perfect-Gift of Perfect Gifts & Hampers

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Interview by Marie Stella Lodonu

I know most of you will agree with me when I say guessing and eventually putting together a gift for a loved one on their special days is not an easy task. Well for this episode, I am honoured to speak with Perfect-Gift of Perfect Gifts and Hampers, a gift packaging business created specifically to provide gifting options to a wide range of clients.

Could you kindly introduce yourself?

My name is Perfect-Gift Agbley. A graduate from the university of Ghana with a bachelor’s degree in Information Studies and Sociology, a model and the CEO of Perfect Gifts and Hampers.


Tell us all about Perfect Gift and Hampers.

Perfect Gifts and Hampers is a gift and packaging business that offers solutions to all gifting needs including surprise planning, kid gifting, and gifts for all special occasions. What we do is take off people’s stress by going all out to get their loved ones amazing gifts and surprises that they themselves couldn’t because of busy schedules, work and so on.

What gave you the idea for the business?

Well, believe it or not, the first thing that gave me the idea is my name (laughs). Perfect-Gift. Secondly, I also see the struggle people go through when they have to choose gifts that suits the occasion for their loved ones. Most people don’t really know what to choose or even if they do, work and other schedules do not permit them to step out to the market in the hot sun to make purchases so I saw an opportunity and turned it into a business (Laughs).

Did you tell people about your idea? How did they receive it?

Yes I did. But I told God first. I prayed about it when the idea first popped up and then i told one or two friends and my big sister. The reactions from them were affirmative so I decided to give it a shot.

What kind of market did you have in mind for your product?

Market, well, big. A very big one. Truth is, I have always been a dreamer and when I do, I dream big to be honest. I’m always looking at bigger pictures, thinking outside the box and believe any business I venture into will go international but one has to start from somewhere you know. Humble beginnings.

How difficult was it to start?

I wouldn’t say it was so difficult to start because I gathered courage to start on one Mother’s day. A day everyone wanted to appreciate their mothers so all I needed was a couple of friends to share my flyer and that was it. But, as with every start-up, the difficulty with getting bulk capital to start a business with didn’t pass me by. I confided in a friend who was already a big time entrepreneur then and asked if it was okay to get a loan to start my business. He advised against that and recommended bootstrapping or that I solicit for funds from family and friends so I did that and managed to raise my start-up capital someway.

What challenges do you face on a day-to-day basis?

The biggest challenge I face on a daily basis is with clients who do not pre-order but want same day delivery. That has really been stressful since I don’t own a gift shop yet. And then there is another from the dispatch riders we outsource deliveries to charging a little too much. In as much as I wish I could do free deliveries to my precious clients that has been shaky for now.

How do you market your business?

Marketing of Perfect Gift and Hampers has solely been done on social media since it is an online business for now. I am fortunate to have friends who are very generous when it comes to sharing people’s business posts on social media and that has gone a long way to help the business.

What has the response to Perfect Gift & Hampers been so far?

So far, we’ve had amazing reviews and feedbacks from most of our clients. Of course we got some negative reactions from one or two clients about our services especially on big occasions like Valentine’s Day when we had orders flooding in and deliveries at specific times delayed because of traffic situations in town. Some called registering their displeasure and disappointments but in all, we can proudly say we get 95% positive feedback all the time. And this can only be the doing of the Lord.

Do you have any employees? What does someone have to do to work with you?

No, there are no employees currently but I do have a partner who is also my business manager in the person of Robert Nana Yaw Aidoo. He has been an amazing and supportive partner so far and I know with his help, the help of one or two friends who willingly help with the packaging and God, we will soon expand and be in the position to create job opportunities for others.

How does entrepreneurship compare to a regular job?

Entrepreneurship is tough. Very tough and stressful. It is just easy to work for someone, report to work at a particular time, perform the task assigned, close at a specific time and get paid at the end of the month. Well, some regular jobs can be stressful but running your own business comes with a special kind of stress like the many sleepless nights thinking of new ideas and new ways of creativity, how to promote and push the brand, how to survive in the competitive market, how to finance your business and so on.

What have you learnt about running a business that no one could have told you before you started?

I learned entrepreneurship is not a thing for the lazy head, people with no focus or determination and the faint or weak hearted.

What can government do to help young entrepreneurs?

The government should boost the formation and growth of what have been described as “entrepreneurial ecosystems” so as to ensure equal opportunities of success is created for young entrepreneurs since every nation now sees small business development as potential solutions to flagging economic growth and rising unemployment.

Any advice to other entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs?

It’s quite back-breaking and cannot be done without God, focus smart work and determination. We live in a society where all odds are already against you. You cannot lack any of these lest you fail. Let your eyes be on the crown and stay focus amidst all challenges. No cross, no crown.

Anything else you would like to share?

Yes, Perfect Gifts and Hampers is your one stop gift and surprise hub for any and all occasions. Kindly visit our social media pages

Facebook/ Instagram: @Perfect-Gifts and Hampers

Twitter: @and_hampers

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