Hunting Hurdles [Ep.5]: Meet Florence of FloStar Events

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In this last edition of Hunting Hurdles for 2018, we talk to Florence, the co-founder of FloStar Events Management Consult. I hope you enjoy it.

  1. Could you kindly introduce yourself?

My name is Florence Akpene Opeku. An energetic and enthusiastic young communicator who loves to get things done and done well.

  1. Tell us all about Flostar Events and what you do?

 FloStar is an event management company in Ghana that specializes in event planning, event coordination, facilitating all kinds of events and also providing consultancy services relating to events. We provide other indispensable and unique services such as make overs, ushering, waiting (servers) and catering services required at any event to make it complete. We tailor our services to suit the specific need of our clients and that which may be required of the event. Ushering is one major aspect we are focusing on now. FloStar has young, creative, enthusiastic, smart, dynamic and dedicated professionals who are not just hand-picked but are coached and trained to handle ushering during all kinds of events with innovative ideas and skills to add a touch of importance and uniqueness to each event we handle.

  1. How long have you been running this business?

 The business has been running for 4 years now.

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  1. What gave you the idea for your business?

A lot. I love events. I love to plan and make things happen. That gives me some kind of fulfilment and satisfaction. My sister also loves loves loves doing same. Besides events we both love to do business. We just don’t like to sit for a minute without doing something business, so we came up with the name FloStar in 2012 and we were only waiting to finalize on the exact business to do. Unknown to me, my sister was planning a whole lot of imaginary events just for the fun of it. She even planned my wedding. I was also doing same unknown to her. Then one day, early 2014, after a discussion with a friend, the idea just settled in that we could do events. So we discussed and decided that the business name *FloStar* must stop hanging hence FloStar Events Management Consult.

  1. Did you tell people about your idea? How did they receive it?

Ohh yes. We told our parents and they were supportive. Our family and friends were like we know you two, you can move mountains. We started with make overs and immediately we had jobs. We ended up being the event coordinators during some events even though we were only employed for make-up. Our pastor was also supportive and urged us on. I can only recall one friend who laughed at me then but today calls to say “I am proud of you.”

  1. What kind of market did you have in mind for your services?

We knew it would be big one day. But we were initially targeting weddings, birthdays, and other ceremonies of friends and their friends.

  1. How difficult was it to start?

I’d say it wasn’t that difficult because we didn’t start off big. We took it one step at a time. Making great events happen involves a lot so we took it from the low side i.e. make-up. With the ushering we screened, recruited and were ready to start. We were only thinking of how to get a first job and once we had one and two, it was good. We had to do the needful by registering the business to be in good standing. We are still looking forward to break through and do bigger things.

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Some staff of Flostar Events
  1. What challenges do you face on a day-to-day basis?

Our challenge right now is having to speak with event organizers. They keep postponing meetings yet without that you don’t get jobs.

  1. What has been the worst experience of running your business?

Having clients who give you short notice and after having to probably forgo certain things and honor them only for them to cancel the event at a short notice. But they are among the bad sides one should expect when it comes to events.

  1. What has been the best experience?

Successful events…where at an event we have almost every guest asking whether we were the event organizers (we were only ushering). People just love our work and rain praises on us.

  1. How do you market your business?

We market FloStar by word of mouth to friends and family. We also use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. We also get recommendations from clients.

  1. What has the response to Flostar Events been so far?

The response to Flostar Events has been good. People are excited about us and call to find out more about us once we advertise the brand.

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Ready to make your event memorable
  1. Do you have any employees? What does someone have to do to work with you?

Yes. Events management needs creativity, innovation and dedication. So once you exhibit these features you can work with team FloStar.

  1. How does entrepreneurship compare to a regular job?

They are very different. With entrepreneurship you are the one doing the thinking, the planning, doing the marketing, trying to get business and paying your workers. It’s a no sleeping plenty thingy😂😂😂. With regular jobs someone else is does the planning and tells you to do this or that. Yours is to get it done. Go home and sleep and then allow the owner pick up the pieces if any. But entrepreneurship gives you a sense of belonging. You get to experience so much. You get the credit if any and blames if any….

  1. What have you learnt about running a business that no one could have told you before you started?

That you don’t get to sleep. You work more and sleep less. And also it’s where learning starts and doesn’t end.

  1. What can government do to help young entrepreneurs?

Government should set up either an agency or a department where at least 5 entrepreneurs can be identified every year and supported in all aspects. Mentoring, financial support and so on to establish them.

  1. Any advice to other entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs?

You don’t need thousands of cedis to start and establish a business. Whatever business it is should be something you love and enjoy when doing it and that should be what should get you started. Surround yourself with people who share your dreams and will support you even if it’s just words of encouragement. Avoid people who tell you, you cannot do it. Be focused and PRAY a lot.

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Co-founders: Florence (left) and Esther
  1. How can someone get your services?

We are ready to travel anywhere in the world to serve our clients. Just contact us.

Call: 0241471530/0205708720

WhatsApp: 0207629180/0267064713

Intagram: @floo_starr

Facebook: @flostarevents.

  1. Anything else you’d like to share?

 Always make sure you have a trust worthy and a hard-working person to support you. Have mentors to speak to for guidance because what you are doing has been done by someone before. You cannot do it alone no matter how strong you are. Have faith in what you do. The bible says faith without works is dead. I say *”faith with works without prayer is vain.”*

Thank you!


  1. This is what I call dreaming, visualizing and birthing it. You are such a motivation. Your wealth of knowledge be enriched in this journey by the Grace of God.
    You are a model for the young.

  2. In fact i am really proud to hear this. You been the kind of person i knew, with God you have already suceeded. The sky will be ypur limit. I wish you the best of luck. Am proud of you. Keep it up.

  3. With diligence I know Flostar will became the leading event management nation wide because hard work pays. I love the confidence in the message.

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