Performance of Ghanaian Stocks – August 2018

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Stocks performed poorly in August. They are down 4.76% for the month and they are only up 12.32% for the year. It is easy to blame the on-going banking crisis for the performance this month, but financial stocks are only down 1.53% for the month and up 16.47% for 2018.

Below is how all equities performed.

Share Code Equity August Performance 2018 Performance
SPL Starwin Products Limited 100.00% -33.33%
PBC Produce Buying Company Ltd. 33.33% -33.33%
TOTAL Total Petroleum Ghana Ltd 11.57% 31.16%
EGH Ecobank Ghana Ltd 8.99% 18.03%
GCB Ghana Commercial Bank Limited 5.31% 5.94%
EGL Enterprise Group Limited 1.64% -16.49%
SCB Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Ltd. 0.08% 3.05%
AADS AngloGold Ashanti Limited 0.00% 0.00%
ACI African Champion Industries Ltd. 0.00% 0.00%
ADB Agricultural Development Bank 0.00% 1.88%
AGA AngloGold Ashanti Limited 0.00% 0.00%
BOPP Benso Oil Palm Plantation Ltd 0.00% 18.30%
CLYD Clydestone (Ghana) Limited 0.00% 0.00%
CPC Cocoa Processing Company 0.00% 0.00%
Digicut 0.00% 12.50%
ETI Ecobank Transnational Incorporation 0.00% 31.25%
GLD NewGold Issuer Limited 0.00% 0.00%
GSR Golden Star Resources Ltd. 0.00% 0.00%
HORDS HORDS LTD 0.00% 0.00%
IIL Intravenous Infusions (IIL) 0.00% 0.00%
MAC Mega African Capital Limited 0.00% 0.00%
MMH Meridian-Marshalls Holdings 0.00% 0.00%
PKL Pioneer Kitchenware Ltd. 0.00% 0.00%
PZC PZ Cussons Ghana Ltd 0.00% 150.00%
RBGH Republic Bank 0.00% 6.47%
SAMBA Samba Foods Ltd 0.00% 0.00%
SCB PREF Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Ltd. 0.00% -4.17%
SWL Sam Wood Ltd. 0.00% 0.00%
TLW Tullow Oil Plc 0.00% -30.03%
UNIL Unilever Ghana Limited 0.00% 38.71%
GGBL Guinness Ghana Breweries Ltd. -1.59% 20.39%
ACCESS Access Bank Ghana -1.76% -3.46%
FML Fan Milk Limited -2.62% -24.29%
SOGEGH Societe Generale Ghana Limited -4.84% 43.90%
MLC Mechanical Lloyd Company Ltd -10.00% 50.00%
ALW Aluworks LTD -11.11% -50.00%
TBL Trust Bank Limited (THE GAMBIA) -13.33% -25.71%
CAL CAL Bank Limited -13.39% 1.85%
CMLT Camelot Ghana Ltd -20.00% 9.09%
GOIL Ghana Oil Company Limited -24.30% 11.15%
SIC SIC Insurance Company Limited -26.67% 120.00%
AYRTN Ayton Drugs Manufacturing Company Ltd -30.00% -30.00%

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