What happened to the stock market rally?

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Listed equities had a fantastic year in 2017, returning 53% and putting an end to 2 consecutive years of negative returns. The bull market continued into 2018, as at the end of April, equities had returned more than 35%.

However, stocks have returned only 11.7% by the close of trading in the first half of the year. The market capitalisation is below where it started this year as shown in the chart below.

Month on month returns have been negative for the last 2 months of Q2 as shown below.

Month GSE-CI Market Cap (GHS) Monthly Change
January 3,076.98 62,917.19 19.28%
February 3,337.20 65,973.28 8.46%
March 3,366.85 64,375.88 0.89%
April 3,489.45 66,142.99 3.64%
May 3,167.48 63,663.53 -9.23%
June 2,880.63 58,275.54 -9.06%

What could have accounted for this? One view from Bloomberg suggests that investors are selling shares to raise funds for the MTN IPO. I find that plausible but not a good development for our stock market. There is too much capacity for new money to flow into the stock market for MTN to start cannibalising existing stocks. What I want to see is the MTN IPO attracting new money into the stock exchange, not a transfer of investment from some equities into MTN.

Instead of crafting narratives (which I think finance writers do a bit too often) I’m going to show the performance of all companies in the first half of the year.

Share Code Equity First Half 2018 Performance
SIC SIC Insurance Company Limited 290.00%
PZC PZ Cussons Ghana Ltd 125.00%
MLC Mechanical Lloyd Company Ltd 83.33%
SOGEGH Societe Generale Ghana Limited 53.66%
GOIL Ghana Oil Company Limited 48.70%
UNIL Unilever Ghana Limited 38.63%
CMLT Camelot Ghana Ltd 36.36%
GGBL Guinness Ghana Breweries Ltd. 26.21%
ETI Ecobank Transnational Incorporation 25.00%
BOPP Benso Oil Palm Plantation Ltd 19.12%
CAL CAL Bank Limited 18.52%
TOTAL Total Petroleum Ghana Ltd 14.73%
Digicut 12.50%
EGH Ecobank Ghana Ltd 11.18%
SCB Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Ltd. 6.93%
GCB Ghana Commercial Bank Limited 1.98%
ADB Agricultural Development Bank 1.88%
AADS AngloGold Ashanti Limited 0.00%
ACI African Champion Industries Ltd. 0.00%
AGA AngloGold Ashanti Limited 0.00%
AYRTN Ayton Drugs Manufacturing Company Ltd 0.00%
CLYD Clydestone (Ghana) Limited 0.00%
CPC Cocoa Processing Company 0.00%
GLD NewGold Issuer Limited 0.00%
GSR Golden Star Resources Ltd. 0.00%
IIL Intravenous Infusions (IIL) 0.00%
MAC Mega African Capital Limited 0.00%
MMH Meridian-Marshalls Holdings 0.00%
PKL Pioneer Kitchenware Ltd. 0.00%
SAMBA Samba Foods Ltd 0.00%
SWL Sam Wood Ltd. 0.00%
ACCESS Access Bank Ghana -1.23%
SCB PREF Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Ltd. -4.17%
RBGH Republic Bank -5.04%
TBL Trust Bank Limited (THE GAMBIA) -14.29%
TLW Tullow Oil Plc -15.10%
PBC Produce Buying Company Ltd. -16.67%
EGL Enterprise Group Limited -18.38%
FML Fan Milk Limited -22.60%
SPL Starwin Products Limited -33.33%
ALW Aluworks LTD -43.75%

While we all wait for MTN to come improve the performance and liquidity of the market, we have to hope that the GSE does not essentially become a one-equity market. The lure of the stock market has always included an opportunity for diversification. That should not change with the MTN listing.

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