2016: Recruitment in Ghana’s Private Sector. What you must know

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unem gradSince 2010 the government has placed a net freeze on public sector recruitment in a bid to control the expenditure on remuneration. This freeze has increased the pressure on the private sector to absorb the huge number of people entering the labour force each year.

Despite the absence of statistics on unemployment, one can infer from its ubiquity in policy discussions that unemployment is a big problem. Professor Kwesi Yankah of Central University once suggested that there may be as many as 271,000 unemployed graduates.

With Ghana’s population growing at about 2.1% per year, the freeze on public employment, growth of 4.1% as per latest figures from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP), the situation clearly looks bad at first glance.

However, it appears there is some improvement in the private job market. Tonaton, Ghana’s biggest online marketplace, has a section with current jobs in Ghana which is frequently updated. Across different sectors in major cities in the country, there is something for everyone.

So if you’re looking to get a new job, you should check out. Good luck.


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