Five Tips for Enriching your CV in Ghana

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In the just ended General Elections, the issue that stood out most was Education. Undoubtedly, education is important but equally important is employment. Although there are no official statistics, there’s a general consensus that graduate unemployment is at an uncomfortable high.
The competition entailed in getting a good job are high and there’s therefore a need for employment seekers to stand-out. Once way of doing that is by having a curriculum vitae (CV) that’s rich with experience and skills. Here are five tips to get what you’re lacking in a CV.

1. Acquire skills on your own. Unlimited knowledge is available for free now than in anytime of human existence. Take advantage of it. Teach yourself the most complex Microsoft Office programmes, learn basic French or Spanish all from the comfort of the chair behind your computer’s screen and add these skills to your CV.

2. Run for Student Office. A CV which includes student office gives an employer the sense that a potential employee has the ability to multi-task. It also shows the capacity to lead, which is important. If you dread the thought of holding office, then back a candidate and lobby for a committee appointment instead.

3. Do voluntary work. Can’t find a job during the long vacation? Do some voluntary work instead. Offer to teach some neighbourhood children for free. Organise clean up exercises. Don’t be afraid that this would look derisive on a CV. It would prove to your potential employer that you use your time profitably.

4. Apply for Internship. Most tertiary institutions now require students to undertake a few months of internship before graduating. Don’t wait till it’s a requirement. You can start applying from the first year vacation. Your institution would usually give you a cover letter. Make a copy and apply to companies you wish to be an intern at. Don’t just look for ‘big’ companies. There are several lesser known businesses which would be delighted to have you.

5. Attend seminars and training programmes. While in school, attend as many of the several training programmes and seminars that will be offered you. Some of them are quite expensive so be selective in attending. Be sure to take your certificate after.

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